Fara í efni

New residents of Múlaþing

Múlaþing welcomes you as a new resident of the municipality with great joy and pleasure.

Moving to a new place, let alone a different country can be challenging and a little confusing at times. Therefore, we have gathered information that should help answer some of the first questions you might need answers to. The information contains links to appropriate websites, forms and other important material.

New to Iceland

If you have just moved to Iceland and you need an identification number (in Icelandic called kennitala) you can apply for it on the Registers Iceland website. First, you have to read up about it and apply according to their guidance as the path is different for different nationalities.

Moving within Iceland

When a person or a family moves within Iceland, they have to register through the Registers Iceland website. You simply click the blue button and log in with your electronic identification. This is free of charge.

Service on My pages

In order to use Múlaþings services you will have to log into My pages. Once you click My pages on the front page of the Múlaþings website you will have to sign in using your electronic identification.

As our web team is still working on making all the forms available in other languages than Icelandic, here is a little guide. When it comes to forms, Google lens is a great tool to use for translation as you hoover your phone over the screen and get a translation as you go.

Signing up for school

According to law all children in Iceland must go to school from the age of 6 – 16. Therefore, we encourage all families moving to the area to sign in to My pages and once you are in click Umsóknir (which means applications) and then click the plus in front of 02 Leik- og grunnskólar (Kindergartens and primary schools). 

Once you have done that you choose „Innritun í grunnskóla“ (Sign into primary school).

An application page should open up. In order to fill it out you can either use Google lens or this list of translations:

  • Sótt er um skóla í (Veldu skóla): School which is applied for (Choose a school)
  • Leik- eða grunnskóli sem barnið kemur úr: Kindergarten or primary school which the child comes from
  • Er skólinn hverfisskóli barnsins?: Is the school in the child’s local area?
  • Já / Nei: Yes / No
  • Heimilt er að sækja um skólavist utan skólahverfis en ekki er sjálfgefið að allar umsóknir fáist samþykktar af hálfu fræðslustjóra og/eða skólayfirvalda: It is permitted to apply to a school outside of the local area, however, it may not be approved by the director of education or the school authorities
  • Þarf barnið sérþjónustu/sérkennslu/stuðning? = Does the child need special support/special education/support?
  • Upplýsingar um barn: Information about the child
  • Nafn: Name
  • Kennitala: Identification number
  • Lögheimili: Legal domicile (address)
  • Póstnúmer: Postal code
  • Staður: Place
  • Aðsetur, ef annað en lögheimili: Residence, if different to legal domicile
  • Upplýsingar um foreldra/forráðaaðila: Information about parents/guardians
  • Netfang: Email address
  • Símanúmar: Phone number
  • Bæta við foreldri/forsjáraðila: Add a parent/guardian
  • Upplýsingar um systkini: Information about siblings
  • Leikskóli/grunnskóli = Kindergarten/Primary school
  • Bæta við línu = Add a line
  • Annað = Other
  • Innritun í hverfisskóla barns er send til skólans til áframhaldandi vinnslu og er sjálfkrafa samþykkt þar sem nemandi með lögheimili í tilteknu skólahverfi á afdráttarlausan rétt á skólavist þar = Applications for schools within legal domicile are forwarded to the applicable school and is automatically approved as the student has unequivocal rights to go to school within its legal domicile
  • Umsókn um skóla utan hverfis fer í ferli hjá fræðslustjóra og viðkomandi skóla og verður svarað = Applications outside of legal domicile will be processed by the director of education and the school which is applied for. The application will be answered once they have been processed.

Signing up for school lunch

Children in all the primary schools in Múlaþing can sign up for a nutritious meal at lunchtime as well as fresh fruits. In order to sign up for these meals you must choose according to where your child goes to school:

Multicultural information centre

If you are new in Iceland and adjusting then you can contact the Multicultural Information Centre. The phone number is (+354) 450-3090 or go to the Multicultural Information Centre website.

You will find useful information about moving to and living in Iceland and get detailed information and assistance in various languages about:

Síðast uppfært 24. janúar 2025
Getum við bætt efni þessarar síðu?